Tide Stops

See below for current tide stops

Dates not listed are running to full timetable with no disruption.

22 Jul

No service approximately between 1215 - 1400

23 Jul

No service approximately between 1300 - 1445

24 Jul

No service approximately between 1345 - 1600

25 Jul

No service approximately between 1415 - 1630

26 Jul

No service approximately between 1530 - 1645

Live Status

Place Ferry

running ALL DAY

Today's service is running all day! See Below.


Due to the Low Spring Tides there will be disruption to todays service. Please Click Here to View Tide Stops.


Finished for winter

The ferry has now finished for the winter. Thank you to all of our customers who have travelled with us this year. We will be back in April!

not running

Unfortunately all sailings on the Place Ferry are cancelled today due to the adverse weather conditions. Sorry for any inconvenience caused.

not running

for any questions or concerns, please contact the st mawes harbour office

01326 270553 | stmawesharbour@gmail.com | VHF Ch 12